Pardon my paranoia 

When we met

In the scalding heat 

Of the barren desert

You came gently 

A cool breeze slowly

Grazing the tiny hairs on my skin
You told me you were


Here to quench my thirst 
And I took you in

One big gulp after the other

Till you made me heavy 

With satisfaction 
I did not know that

You could be a storm

Raining down pellets 

Or the waves 

Crashing from beyond 

Or a lake 

Sitting at peace

Or a drop in the sand 

Soon to vanish 
So now that my skin is dry

And my heart is fractured 

Into the crocodile bark of a tree
What will you be

For me?


Today we walk away from the paved road 

We abandon the smooth ground 

For somewhere rough 

Where blades of grass will lick our legs 

And sharp stones will make our progress slow

But we must leave the path 

That is so smooth and gentle 

That we can move without meeting any resistance 

We must forget it

It is too crowded with others looking for an easy way 

We must blaze our own trail 

One that our feet will fit into perfectly 

And walk on our own way 

To a place with a nice view 


Wild flowers sprouting by the beach 

Do you not fear the waves?

Listen to them roar 

As they run to the shore 

Watch them speed towards the sands 

In a mighty line 

Only to crash into grains of sand

And break.

Wild flower be careful 

The water come for us all 

So teach your fruit to float 

So it can ride the waves 

And jump off when they crash