A performance art poem


Counting rice in the deafening silence
Mind the grain is not renowned for sharpness
Still gives a performance in Marina’s likeness
Violent scratch on dusty psyche
Trips hands back to one

Inspired by Marina Abramovic; In Residence

Original poetry and photography by Hakeem Adam

For the love of Nneka


For the love of Nneka

I recently became a content contributor on Dynamic Africa and one of my first assignments was to review Nneka’s new album,  My Fairy Tales. I am an active follower of Nneka’s music and this happened to be her second full length project I got to listen too.
It is completely different from Soul is Heavy,  not in a lyrical or thematic perspective but from a musical standpoint. She borrows heavy from reggae music and delivers very charged steady songs. I wish I get to see Nneka perform on day but for now,  you can read my review here and let me know what you think. 

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.” – Bob Marley



*photo credit: Craig Carpenter / Okay Africa